Stephen Gately

33 Jaar


Overleden 10/10/2009

Stephen Gately


    • Gately was naast Ronan Keating leadzanger van de band Boyzone, die met songs als 'No Matter What' en 'Words' in de jaren negentig succesvol was.

      In 2000 werd bekend dat ieder van Boyzone zijn eigen weg zou gaan. Gately ging in oktober 2000 solo en bracht hij het album New Beginning uit.

      In december 2002 speelde hij enkele rollen in theaterstukken zoals Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat in het beroemde West End te Londen. Een jaar later ging hij de rol van de gemene Child Catcher spelen in het theaterstuk Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in het London Palladium. Daarna speelde hij Dandini in Cinderella en de vogelverschrikker in The Wizard of Oz.

      Na een bijna zeven jaar durende split kwam de groep in 2007 weer samen. In 2008 werd een Greatest-Hits album uitgebracht, getiteld No Matter What... Back Again.


      In juni 1999 kwam Gately openlijk uit voor zijn homoseksualiteit. In 2003 werd bekendgemaakt dat Gately en Andy Cowles getrouwd waren. Het koppel woonde samen in Soho (Londen).

      Op 10 oktober 2009 overleed Gately op 33-jarige leeftijd tijdens een vakantie op Mallorca.


      Teken het rouwregister


    1. miranda

      when boyzone started i was 10 years old, now i'm 25.
      with you i grown up. Now a part of my teenagehood has died too.
      I only have the memories of you now and i keep them in my heart forever
      I was hoping to see you again with the other boys in belgium, but now i know i never see you again.

      you were as a brother to me, just like the other boys are like brothers to me.

      You have a special place in my heart forever and i will miss you
      hope you find rest now.

      You never been forgotten

      miranda from belgium

    2. just me

      loving you is easy, loosing you has no words

    3. gerrit ribbink (APELDOORN/ NEDERLAND)

      rust zacht in vrede

    4. viviane

      whe followed boyzone every time they where in belgium specialy you, we will miss you and you're beautifull voice .why the best always go so soon it's not fair ! rest in peace. all my sympathy for your husband , family and friends

    5. Nele

      Dear Andrew, family and friends
      Losing a dear person is very hard. In the beginning (1993) of Boyzone i lost my brother. It was you who give me hope to go on.
      You're personnality was very strong and you will be reminded that way.
      Now i'm 27 years old and i cried a thousand tears for you over 16 years. Your death is like a real ending of my youth.
      I'll never forget you. You have a place right here in my heart.
      Thanx for all the loving you gave, for the moments we shared and the happy times i spent.
      God bless the people around you for keeping strong.
      Hope you'll be happy upon in heaven.
      Nele Vandenberghe

    6. Lien

      Stephen, you will be missed! I have grown up with Boyzone and your death feels like a part of my teenagehood has died as well. I will always remember your positive spirit and amazing voice. You will never be forgotten! Rest in peace Stephen...

    7. An

      you have meant a lot to me during my teenagehood, I will always remember you. My deepest sympathy for your husband and family.